Archive for September 29th, 2021

Rules for Love and Romance in Uniform – Fraternization Policy

September 29, 2021



In the context of the Military Armed Forces – any “unduly familiar relationship” between a senior and a junior is deemed to be “Fraternization”… 


Soon – the Tri-Service Military Training Academy – NDA (National Defence Academy) will be admitting women cadets for training along with male cadets for commission as officers in the 3 Defence Services (Army Navy and Air Force)

Jointmanship is the very raison d’etre of NDA – so – women and men will have to be trained together in a spirit of jointmanship and camaraderie – and – any attempts at gender segregation will defeat the cardinal aim and raison d’etre of NDA.

Though the 3 services have had women officers for nearly 3 decades – their training and service durations have been shorter – and women have been mainly serving in non-combat, non-seagoing and comparatively “softer” and less risky appointments as compared to their male counterparts.

At present – various gender concessions are given to women officers – for example – in the Indian Navy – women Navy officers are not posted on ships for sea duties – despite the Navy being a seagoing service – whereas sea duties are mandatory for male Navy officers. Similar gender concessions are probably given to women officers in the other two services as well – and women officers may have been exempted from hard field or risky combat duties. Also – women officers have shorter and less strenuous training than most of their male counterparts. All this is likely to change with the entry of ex-NDA Women Officers who will have the same 3 years training at NDA along with their male counterparts.

Ex-NDA Women Officers are likely to serve in mainstream appointments in the 3 defence services like their male counterparts.

Gender Equality means treating men and women “on-par” in all aspects.

In order to uphold the principle of gender equality – women NDA cadets may have to undergo the same training along their male counterparts – and – like ex-NDA Officers – women are likely to be posted to all arms, services and branches of the Army Navy and Air Force including combat/fighting arms in the army, sea duties on warships and submarines, and in flying combat duties. This will entail men and women working in close proximity – during training – in the field – and – at sea – including in confined spaces on ships and submarines.

By natural instinct – working for long durations in close proximity with members of the opposite sex may give rise to intimacy – which – over a period – may culminate in intimate relationships between fellow male and female officers. This is a natural phenomenon.

While some intimate relationships may be considered okay – others may tantamount to “Fraternization”.

At present – the principle of gender equality has been applied only to officers – but – in due course – the principle of gender equality may extend to soldiers, sailors and airmen – and we will have male and female soldiers, sailors and airmen/airwomen working together in military units, navy warships etc – as is the case in modern military forces – and – there will be increased scope and opportunity for intimate relationships between personnel of the two genders.

In order to cater to the changing gender environment in the military – it may be apt to formulate and promulgate new fraternization policies for the Armed Forces – which are in sync with today’s modern values and environment.

Here is my article on the subject of FRATERNIZATION…



Military Musings by Vikram Karve


“Stealing Affections” of Brother Officers’ Wives is deemed to be an “offence” in the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force).

Yes – stealing the affection of a brother officer’s wife is deemed to be conduct unbecoming of an officer and conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.

It is considered a grave offence which may even lead to dismissal from service.


Consider the following with an open mind.

“Stealing the Affections” of a Brother Officers’ Wife is deemed to be an “offence”.


Stealing the affection of a “sister officer” is considered okay.


In fact:

“Brother Officers” are permitted to marry “Sister Officers”.

Yes – male officers are allowed to marry female officers.


Isn’t it quite an amusing set of rules of love and romance…?


There are many “in-service couples” in the Armed Forces – and this trend of DIUC (Double Income Uniformed Couples) is increasing in the 3 Defence Services.

Someone said that the Army Navy and Air Force encourage marriages between uniformed officers by providing various sops like spouse postings and dual accommodation seniority carry forward etc.

Wonder why Defence Services encourage such “Marriages in Uniform” by giving incentives…?

Does this not go against the tenets of “fraternization”…?



What is the meaning of the term “Fraternization” in the context of the Military Armed Forces…?

Any “unduly familiar relationship” between a senior and a junior is deemed to be Fraternization.



Marriage (which includes intimate sexual relationship) is an “unduly familiar relationship”.

As per the definition of fraternization – marriage between a senior and a junior is deemed to be fraternization.



Many other relationships like dating, living together and other intimate friendships can also be deemed to be “unduly familiar relationships”.

Suppose – in the Navy – a male Commander marries a female Lieutenant – or – in the Army – a male Lieutenant Colonel marries a female Captain – is it not a case of “fraternization”…?

Considering the considerable difference in ranks/seniority between husband and wife – is it not an “unduly familiar relationship” between a senior and a junior which can be deemed to be fraternization…?

It appears that – at least in the Indian Armed Forces – a lot of leniency is shown as far as relationships between male and female officers are concerned (despite their difference in rank).

This is evident if you observe the increasing number of marriages between male and female officers in the uniformed services.

Marriages and Relationships between officers is not considered fraternization in the Indian Armed Forces.

But – what will happen if a Female Officer wants to marry a Male Soldier, Sailor or Airman…?

It can happen – anyone can fall in love with anyone.



At present – in the Indian Armed Forces – there are women only at Officer Level.

But soon – when women are inducted in all ranks – reverse gender situations can also occur – of women soldiers, sailors and airwomen falling in love with male officers and wanting to marry them.


At present – Indian Armed Forces allow Male and Female Officers to marry each other irrespective of the inter-se seniority.

Will the Indian Armed Forces allow Officers to marry Soldiers, Sailors or Airmen…?

For example – will the Army allow a Lady Officer to marry a Male JCO…?

Can Women Officers Marry, Date, Romance or have Relationships with Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen…?

Will this be treated as Fraternization…?



Is there a statutory Fraternization Policy in the Indian Armed Forces…?

I do not know.

“Fraternization” is a uniquely military concept.

Military custom demands that seniors must maintain thoroughly professional relationships with juniors at all times.

“Fraternization” is the term traditionally used to identify personal relationships that contravene the customary bounds of acceptable senior-subordinate relationships.

“Fraternization” means any relationship in the military chain of command that is prejudicial to good order and discipline.



Fraternization Rules date back to the time of the Roman Army.

The purpose of such Fraternization Constraints is to:

  1. Maintain good order and discipline.
  2. Preserve military sanctity and ensure the integrity of the chain of command.
  3. Prevent adverse impact upon a junior’s response to orders, the senior’s exercise of command, or the perception of others regarding the senior’s impartiality. In most cases of fraternization – perceptions matter more than reality.
  4. Promote relationships of mutual respect and confidence between juniors and seniors.



I am sure you have seen Marriages between Serving Officers of the Armed Forces.

But – have you ever come across Marriage between an Officer and a PBOR (Personnel Below Officer Rank)…?

Do tell us if you have come across a marriage between a serving officer and a serving soldier.

Is there a need for a statutory Fraternization Policy to regulate “unduly familiar personal relationships” in the Armed Forces (Army Navy and Air Force)…?

Well – that is for the “powers-that-be” to decide.

With the entry of women in the armed forces in the 1990’s – have the archaic Army Act, Navy Act and Air Force Act been amended to include a Fraternization Policy…?

Yes – with the advent of women into the Army, Navy and Air Force – there has been a lot of pontification about “gender-sensitization” – but has a statutory fraternization policy been formulated and promulgated…?

And now – with the entry of women cadets into NDA – it is likely that – as is the case with ex-NDA male officers – ex-NDA women officers will be posted to all arms, services, branches and in hard field and combat duties and on warships and submarines for sea duties – since true gender equality means that both genders are treated equal and on-par for all duties, responsibilities and service conditions.

Hence – it will be all the more important to have a modern implementable fraternization policy.





As I said earlier – it is the prerogative of the “powers-that-be” to decide whether to have a fraternization policy or not (as per the culture prevalent in their respective services).

But – if there is to be a fraternization policy – then – perhaps – it can be formulated based on one of the following cardinal tenets:


1. Prohibit Marriages between Members of the three Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force)

Whether you are an Officer or a PBOR – you cannot marry anyone in uniform (you cannot have an unduly familiar relationship with any other serving officer, soldier, sailor, airman).

This means that the prevalent practice of “fauji” marriages between male and female officers will be banned.

Yes – “fauji” marriages will be treated as fraternization and will be prohibited – especially if there is a difference in rank/seniority between the two officers.


2. Prohibit Same-Service Marriages

For example – if you are in the Army you cannot Marry someone in the Army – though you may Marry someone from the Navy or Air Force – and vice versa.


3. Prohibit Same Branch/Arm/Service/Regiment/Corps Marriages

For example – a male Army Officer from EME cannot marry a female Officer from the EME – but he may marry a female Officer from ASC, AOC etc – a helicopter pilot cannot marry another helicopter pilot – but may marry a fighter pilot or an officer from non-flying branch – and – similar restrictions for officers belonging to the same branch in the Navy.

4. Prohibit Marriages between Officers and PBOR (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen)

Marriage between Officers and PBOR (Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen) will be considered fraternization and will be prohibited.



Of course – in addition to Marriage – the Fraternization Policy must define and govern “unduly familiar relationships” between uniformed personnel –like dating, romance, physical relationships, live-in relationships and intimate friendships – and fraternization principles must apply to regulate such relationships.

What is an “unduly familiar relationship”…?

For example:

Should an Officer be allowed to indulge in dating or become romantically involved with another Officer of the Armed Forces…?

Should dating between Officers and PBOR (Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen) be permitted…?

Or – should Officers of the Armed Forces be allowed to “Date” only Civilians…?

Maybe – the same Four Cardinal Fraternization Tenets for Marriage (mentioned above) can apply to other relationships as well.



Most mixed-gender military forces have laid down fraternization policies in order to prevent inappropriate relationships which can be detrimental to morale and discipline.

There is a perception that “Fraternization” refers relationships between Officers and PBOR (soldiers, sailors, airmen).

This is not so.

Fraternization includes officer-officer relationships as well.

In a case a few years ago in the US Navy – Two Officers – a CO and XO of a Ship – both of the same rank (Lieutenant Commander) – were punished for violation of the US Navy Fraternization Policy:

Navy Fires Top Two Officers For Being “Unduly Familiar” While Commanding Warship




“Fraternization” means any relationship in the military chain of command that is prejudicial to good order and discipline.

So – Fraternization includes “Unduly Familiar” officer-officer relationships as well.





The Indian Defence Services (Army Navy and Air Force) are becoming more and more mixed-gender with increasing number of women joining the Armed Forces.

So – it may be desirable to formulate and promulgate a Statutory Fraternization Policy based on one of the four Cardinal Fraternization Principles as considered apt:


1. Prohibit Marriages and Relationships between members of the Armed Forces

(Ban all “inter-service” and “intra-service” fraternization)


2. Prohibit Same-Service Marriages and Relationships

(Ban “intra-service” fraternization – but allow “inter-service” fraternization)


3. Prohibit Same Branch/Regiment/Corps Marriages and Relationships

(Ban intra-branch/regiment/arm/service/corps fraternization)


4. Prohibit Marriages and Relationships between Officers and PBOR

(Ban fraternization between officers and soldiers/sailors/airmen)


Dear Reader:

Which one of the four fraternization policy options do you prefer…? 



The recent SC  “Section 377 Verdict”  decriminalized part of the 158-year-old colonial era provisions of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)

Now – Section 377 would not apply to consensual same-sex acts between homosexuals, heterosexuals, lesbians and other sexual minorities.

One wonders whether the Military will treat “consensual sex” between “Same-Sex” Military Personnel as acceptable and lawful…?

If so – will there be a Fraternization Policy for Same-Sex Relationships among Military Personnel…?


Dear Reader:

Do comment and tell us your views.



Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


  1. This blog post is a spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
  2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Copyright Notice:

No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.

Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

Link to my original post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:

This is an updated version of my article FRATERNIZATION AND MILITARY LOVE earlier posted by me Vikram Karve online in my Academic and Creative Writing Journal Blog on November 5, 2013 at url: and and etc.

© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

Why Marriages Fail – Story

September 29, 2021






Mumbai (then known as Bombay) – circa 1978


Part 1



When my course-mate Ashok got divorced within one year of his marriage – instead of sympathizing with him – I chastised him.

“I told you not to get married to that “fleet auxiliary” – but you wouldn’t listen to me…” I said to Ashok.

“I know – I should have listened to you…” Ashok said, contrite.

“You come from such a conservative background – I told you that your parents would never accept her…” I said to him.

“You were right – my parents did not approve of her at all…” he said.

“Despite your parent’s disapproval – you defied your parents – and you got married to her…” I scolded him.

“I was in love with her…” he said.

“Love…? If you were in love with her – why did you divorce her…?” I asked him.

“We were just not compatible…” he said.

“Compatible…!!! How could you be “compatible” with her…? Outwardly – you may act “modern” – but in your mind – you are still a “small town boy” – I told you all this – but you just wouldn’t listen to me…” I said to him.

“I wish I had listened to you…” he said.

“There is a difference between a “girlfriend” and a “wife” – especially if the girlfriend is a “fleet auxiliary” – no one marries a “fleet auxiliary” – you have a “good time” with them – and then – you get married to the “back home type” girl that your parents have chosen for you…” I said to him.

“I was so much in love with her – that I even went against my parents – and I didn’t even listen to your advice…” he said, full of remorse.

“Yes – love made you “blind” – and – she exploited you – she is a bloody shameless “nympho” – after having a “good time” with others – she trapped you into marriage…” I said to him.

“You are right…” he said, “she “knew” so many people – shipmates, course-mates – even seniors…”

“She was 5 years older to you – past her prime – and you fell for her…” I said, “she really made a fool of you…”

“Yes – I married in haste – and now – I am repenting at leisure…” he said, “next time – I am going to be careful…”

“Yes…” I said, “marriage is serious business…”

“You are right…” he said, “I took it very lightly – and I paid a heavy price…”

“What are your plans now…? I heard that you have asked for a compassionate grounds transfer…?” I asked him.

“Yes – I want to get away from this place – and – I want to move on in life…” he said, “I have asked for Vizag – it will be closer to my hometown as well…”

“All the best…” I said to Ashok, “and in case you are thinking of getting married – go in for an arranged marriage this time – and choose carefully…”

“Yes…” Ashok said – he gulped down the remains of his drink – he smiled a goodbye to me – and he left the wardroom.


10 Years Later

Kochi (Cochin) – circa 1988


Part 2



10 years later – my ship visited Kochi (then known as Cochin)

In the evening – I walked down to the Navy Club – and – I saw Ashok sitting on the lawn – all by himself.

“You must have heard that I got divorced again…?” he said to me.

“Yes…” I said, “what happened…?”

“I don’t know…” he said, “this time I was careful – I saw so many girls that my parents had lined up for me – and then – after shortlisting the girls I had liked – I selected the girl who was an ideal wife for me – she had all the qualities that I wanted in my wife – I thought we had a happy marriage – but – one day – she suddenly just walked out…”

“That’s sad…” I said, commiserating with him.

“Yes…” Ashok said, “she was the ideal wife for me…”

“She was an ideal wife for you – but – were you an “ideal” husband for her…?” I asked him.

“What do you mean…?” Ashok said.

“You checked out the girl’s qualities – but – did you check out your own qualities…?” I said to him.

“What are you trying to say…?” he asked me.

“You were a mismatch in your love marriage – and – you were a mismatch in your arranged marriage too. You need to introspect – why do your marriages fail…?” I said to Ashok.

“You are right…” Ashok said, “I must check my own compatibility too – I will surely do that – next time…”

“Next time…?” I said, surprised.

He sure had perseverance.

There is a saying: “Third Time Lucky”.

I hoped he would be lucky the 3rd time – and – his next marriage would be a success.


20 Years Later

Pune – circa 2008


Part 3



I was happily surprised to see my course-mate Ashok at a Navy Veterans Get-Together in Pune.

“It’s been a long time…” I said to Ashok, “you totally went “off the radar” – I lost all track of you…”

“I quit the Navy a few days after we met last time…” Ashok said.

“Yes – that’s what I heard – that – you had suddenly resigned…” I said, “what happened…?”

“I got a good job offer in the gulf – so – I decided to go over there – and since then – I have been globetrotting…” he said.

“That’s great…” I said, “but what are you doing in Pune…?” I asked him.

“Like you – I too have finally “retired” – and I have decided to settle down in Pune – I just came one month ago from the US…” he said.

“Where do you live in Pune…?” I asked him.

“At present I am living in a serviced apartment – but I have just bought a house – and I will be moving in there soon…” he said.

He told me the name of the township where he had bought a house – it was an exclusive cosmopolitan township – most posh and elite. To be able to afford a house in that classy “highfalutin” township – Ashok must have done well for himself after leaving the Navy.

Ashok looked at me and said to me, tongue-in-cheek:

“You didn’t ask me if I was married…?”

“Are you…?” I said to him, “Or – did you get married and divorced again…?”

“No. No…” he laughed, “I took your advice seriously. I introspected – and I realized that I wasn’t “marriage material” – so – I didn’t get married again…”

Someone called out his name – so – Ashok excused himself and he went to meet the person.

The moment Ashok had gone away – my wife suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“Why were you talking to that disgusting man…?” she said, angrily.

“Disgusting man…? He is my course-mate Ashok. He left the Navy long ago. I will introduce you to him…” I said to my wife.

“I don’t want to be introduced to him…” my wife said, “and you better keep away from him…”

“What happened…?” I asked my wife.

“The ladies were talking about him. He is an immoral man…” she said.

“Immoral…?” I said, surprised.

“Don’t you know…?” my wife asked me.

“What…?” I said, curious.

“He is “living in sin” with a woman…” my wife said.

“Are you sure…? He told me that he was unmarried…” I said to her.

“That’s what I am telling you…” my wife said to me, “he is unmarried – but he is “shacked up” with a woman half his age – lecherous fellow – you better keep away from him…”



Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


  1. This blog post is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
  2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.

Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

Link to my original post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:

Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)