Five Types of Pet Dogs




Pet Dog Musings by Vikram Karve 




Pet Dogs may be classified into 5 types:

1. Guard Dogs – highly dominant in nature

2. Watch Dogs – dominant in nature

3. Family Dogs – submissive in nature

4. Lap Dogs – very submissive in nature

5. Kennel Dogs – independent by nature


So before you get a dog you must decide what type of dog you want.




Some traits are breed-specific and some can be ascertained by observation when the dog is a puppy especially in the cases of Rescued Dogs and Indie Dogs (including Mongrels, Stray Dogs etc)




For example try the domination test.


Walk towards the unknown puppy.

The bend over the puppy looking him firmly in the eye and try to “dominate” the puppy dog by stroking the puppy from the top of the dog’s head downwards over the dog’s back towards its tail.

Observe the response which will be different for each type of dog.




(Type 2 – Dominant)


If the puppy growls and objects to your domination the dog may fit in “Type 2” (watch dog).

WATCH DOG will bark first and may or may not bite or attack.

Even if the dog attacks the intruder it will do so after giving adequate warning by barking so that the intruder has a chance to back off.

The job of a Watch Dog is to bark and raise an alarm when a stranger enters your house or property.

In fact even many small breeds sometimes make great watch dogs.




(Type 1 – Highly Dominant)


It the puppy jumps at you and tries to attack you it is not “accepting” your domination and is trying to reverse your “domination”.

This is a sign of “Type 1” highly dominant nature which indicates that the puppy will make a good GUARD DOG

A good GUARD DOG will attack the intruder immediately.

Guard Dogs bite first – and ask questions later.

The job of a Guard Dog is to look intimidating and act in a ferocious manner and be ready to protect his family and territory if the need arises by attacking any trespassers.




Both Guard Dogs and Watch Dogs bark to alert their owners of an intruder’s presence and scare away the intruder.

The Watch Dog’s job ends here.

But the Guard Dog is capable of attacking the intruder should he trespass.

A Guard Dog is ferocious and means business and will attack and bite trespassers.

Some breeds are excellent Watch Dogs but not good Guard Dogs.

This is because they bark loudly to alert their masters of intruders but are not aggressive in nature and are not given to assertive behavior.

Watch Dogs will bark loudly but they will hesitate to attack and bite when required to do so.

Guard Dogs protect by attacking and biting intruders whenever required.

Like I said good Guard Dogs will attack the trespasser immediately the moment he intrudes into the dog’s territory rather than waste his time by merely barking.

Guard dogs will also attack any other dogs or animals they perceive as threats or prey.

That is why Guard Dogs must look tough and menacing and be ferocious in nature and they must not hesitate to attack a trespasser.

Watch Dogs must raise an alarm and frighten off the trespasser.

Even small but attentive dogs may function well as Watch Dogs but a Guard Dog must be strong, ferocious and aggressive.




(Type 3 – Submissive)


When stroked by a stranger if a puppy accepts the domination in a friendly manner then it is likely to be good family dog.

The puppy will not growl or object in any way to your stroking the top of its head and back and may even snuggle towards you.

Such a dog is likely to turn out to be a good and amiable family dog that is friendly towards children and guests.




(Type 4 – very submissive)


If the puppy totally submits to your stroking while you move your hand over the top of the dog’s head and back then is showing signs of being a good lap dog.

The puppy may avert its eyes and cower it may sit down or roll over or even urinate out of total submission.

Such a puppy may grow up into a submissive lap dog.

LAP DOG is an adoring pet who would gladly spend the entire day in the lap of the owner.

Lap Dogs are cuddly and affectionate.

Many dog owners especially women and old people who are lonely and yearn for love they prefer to have a Lap Dog.




(Type 5 – independent)


When you stroke an unknown dog and it just ignores you and walks away this independent attitude is a sign of a good kennel dog or a farm dog.

This dog likes to live its life in its own way.

This type of dog has a free and independent nature and likes to be left alone and does not get very attached to human owners.

You just have to feed your dog and then let the dog roam around freely.




Of course – there are specially trained dogs for specific tasks or needs – but this article is about Pet Dogs.




So Dear Reader which type of pet dog do you want…?

Do you want a guard dog a watch dog a family dog or a lap dog…?

You and your family must decide for yourself depending on your requirements – and make sure you get the right type.

Remember when you select a puppy take care that you observe the puppy well and select the right type of dog you want.

Otherwise the cute puppy that you thought will be a good family dog may actually turn into a ferocious guard dog and vice versa.


Before I end – here is a picture of my pet girl Sherry


Sherry was a mixed-breed her mother was a Doberman – and her father was a Mudhol (Caravan Hound)

She was a one-man dog she had a special bond with me though she was affectionate with other members of the family too.

Sherry did not like strangers especially younger children and she made it clear that visitors were not welcome.

Luckily for most of her life I lived in Bungalows with large compounds which she considered her territory where she would move around freely guarding her territory and her family (especially me)

When we relocated to an apartment I had to take her out in the open for plenty of exercise many times a day and luckily we had a large open top floor terrace where Sherry would sit observing the goings on below barking from time to time.


Sherry was a superb Guard Dog she was very aggressive she would attack any intruder immediately and bite very ferociously so her reputation would spread very fast and unwanted people would keep away from our house.


Just notice her observant eyes and alert stance as she guards the house.

Sherry Pratap Kuti

Sherry on Guard Duty


(Sherry passed away to her heavenly abode in December 2014) 


Do read my blog about Sherry (link below)




If you are keen on adopting a dog – first you must decide which type of pet dog you want…?



Copyright © Vikram Karve
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  1. This article is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
  2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
  3. E&OE

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