Posts Tagged ‘salon’

The Meaning and Definition of Personality – PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT – How to Change Your BRAND IMAGE

June 13, 2012

Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT – How to Change Your BRAND IMAGE.

Click the link above to read my original article in my journal (also posted below for your convenience)


Personality Development
Seven Attributes that Define Your Personality
Every individual has a unique personality.
In a nutshell, your personality is your “brand”.
A Brand Image can be changed. In a similar fashion, you can change your personality too – some call this “Personality Development”.
Personality is your external nature – it is the image that you project to the outside world.
Remember: You can build and develop your own Personality (or Brand Image) in the way you want.
But first, before you attempt to develop your personality, you must discover your personality.
How do you do that?
It is simple.
Just ask yourself seven questions, yes seven sets of questions.
The answers will give you a clue to the seven attributes that define your personality.
What is your purpose in life?
What is the reason that you exist? What is your mission, your goal?
Why are you where you are? What are the things that happen because you are there?
Suppose you disappear, what would be the effect – what are the things that will not happen if you were not here?
Are you a part of a bigger system? If so, which are those systems of which you are a part?
Who are you?
Who are you? Who aren’t you? (Who are you not?)
Who do you want to be?
When you become this person you want to be, who will you be then?
(And who will you not be once you become who you want to be?)
Who is it not that you would like to be? Or, who do you not want to be?
Your identity is ‘who you are’ and how you think of yourself as an individual.
What is important to you life?
Values are things (principles, standards, criteria or qualities) that you regard as most important to you. Values govern your behaviour and are the basis for your day to day actions.
What are the things that you have faith in?
Why do you believe those things?
How well do your beliefs serve you?
What beliefs do you hold that empower you to reach your highest potential?
What beliefs do you hold that limit you and hold you back from realizing your best?
Beliefs are emotionally held views about what we see as being true about the world around us.
Our behaviour is organized according to our beliefs.
That is why, sometimes, beliefs are considered to be self-fulfilling prophecies.
What are your core competencies?
What skills do you possess that enable you to be what you are right now?
What skills do you already have that would enable you to be the person you want to be?
What are those skills that you do not have now, but you would like to have in order to enable you to be the person you want to be?
How do you behave?
How do you conduct yourself?
What behaviours do you project from within yourself onto others?
How does your external behaviour impact on others?
How is your behaviour impacting on the results you get in your life?
Behaviour is what you do and you say. Behaviour is the external expression of your self. Behaviour is not identity. An individual is not their behaviour – you are not your behaviour – you are distinct from your behaviour. One must not confuse IDENTITY with BEHAVIOUR – there is a distinction between identity and behaviour.
Where are you in life?
Look around you, have a look at your surroundings, at the people around you, and see for yourself where you are.
Are you where you want to be? What does your current environment say about your life?
If you are not where you want to be, then where would you like to be?
What things in your current environment would have to change in order for things to be better so that you can be where you want to be?
Environment refers to what is outside such as the place where you live and work, the people you interact with and the tangible things that are out there and the intangibles (vibes) as well.
These seven attributes (Purpose, Identity, Values, Beliefs, Capabilities, Behaviour, Environment) define your personality. In the hierarchy of factors which constitute your personality, Purpose is at the highest level, followed by Identity, and so on, and Environment is the lowest level factor which comprises your personality.
Which of these do you want to change?
Remember the cardinal rule – Changes made at a higher level will affect the lower level factors. Whereas changes made at a lower level may or may not affect the higher levels.
For example, if you change your purpose in life, all attributes will be affected and your entire personality may change. But a mere change of environment may or may not affect the higher level attributes – it depends on case to case.

Examine the seven attributes and discover your personality. 

Do you want to change something? 

Go ahead. Change your “Brand Image” – Develop your Personality. 

Copyright © Vikram Karve 2012
Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

Did you like this blog post?
I am sure you will like the 27 fiction short stories from my recently published anthology of Short Fiction COCKTAIL 
To order your COCKTAIL please click any of the links below:

If you prefer reading ebooks on Kindle or your ebook reader, please order Cocktail E-book by clicking the links below:

Foodie Book:  Appetite for a Stroll
If your are a Foodie you will like my book of Food Adventures APPETITE FOR A STROLL. Do order a copy from FLIPKART:

About Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, Vikram Karve is a retired Naval Officer turned full time writer. Educated at IIT Delhi, ITBHU Varanasi, The Lawrence School Lovedale and Bishops School Pune, Vikram has published two books: COCKTAIL a collection of fiction short stories about relationships (2011) and APPETITE FOR A STROLL a book of Foodie Adventures (2008) and is currently working on his novel and a book of vignettes and short fiction. An avid blogger, he has written a number of fiction short stories, creative non-fiction articles on a variety of topics including food, travel, philosophy, academics, technology, management, health, pet parenting, teaching stories and self help in magazines and published a large number of professional research papers in journals and edited in-house journals for many years, before the advent of blogging. Vikram has taught at a University as a Professor for almost 15 years and now teaches as a visiting faculty and devotes most of his time to creative writing. Vikram lives in Pune India with his family and muse – his pet dog Sherry with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts.

Vikram Karve Academic and Creative Writing Journal:
Professional Profile Vikram Karve:
Vikram Karve Facebook Page:
Vikram Karve Creative Writing Blog:

© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


February 23, 2012


Is FAKING IT worth it?

Click the link above to read the article in my creative writing journal (also pasted below for your convenience):


Vikram Karve


Food for Thought

In today’s world, image management is the “in thing”.

Image has replaced Character.

It does not matter who you actually are.

What matters is the image you project of yourself.

First Impressions matter more than lasting relationships – the superficial outer self is considered more important than the deep profound inner self.

Image Management seems to be more important than Character Building.

Image Management has become an industry. 

In today’s environment, success does not depend on traditional factors like knowledge, sincerity, hard work, performance, proficiency, efficiency and competence. 

It is the superficial image we project that counts and we are judged by what meets the eye.

Image Management plays a role in both your professional and personal life. 

So whether it is to get a job, to get married or to succeed in your business, everything depends on the first impression you create. 

Yes, first impression is most important now-a-days. You are judged by your clothes, your turnout, how you look, the way you dress, your grooming, your communication skills, the way you speak, your body language, your etiquette – all these superficial outward aspects play a more important role in creating an impression than your actual inherent character and innate qualities.

I have a contrarian view to all this and feel that it is better to be spontaneous and transparent. 

In my opinion it is better to act natural, be what your actually are and show the world your true self rather than project a false hyped-up image of yourself just to create good first impressions. 

If you resort to “image management” by employing the mask of pretence to project an artificial put-on hyped-up image of yourself, you will always be under constant inner stress to keep up appearances. 

When you live behind a mask you always have the fear of being found out, and the “fear of being found out” is one of the most stressful fears.

For how long can you sustain this image you have projected of yourself?

For how long can you masquerade being someone you are actually not?

You may manage to fake it and keep up appearances in short term relationships, but in the long term, one day the “mask” of mendacity will wear away and will come off and your true self will be revealed.

You may be able to create a fantastic first impression on your first date but can you sustain this image throughout your marriage?

Yes, “image management” may work in short term relationships like dating, social “hail fellow well met” friendships and quick-fix work encounters like in marketing etc but will not sustain you in the long-term in your career, marriage, professional and personal relationships.

Is Image Management desirable in today’s world? 

What is more important for the youth of today – to “manage” their image or to develop good and sound character? 

Should you put on a mask and fake it, or is it better to be your natural self, as you are ? 

Should you manipulate and stage-manage your behaviour to suit the environment or should you be your spontaneous true self?

Think about it.

Now-a-days image management has become relevant in in cyberspace too, as all of us who use the internet for social and professional networking have a “cyber image” to project and a “cyber reputation” to maintain.

In the next few posts, I will relate to you some examples of “Image Management” that I have encountered in my personal and professional life. 

In today’s world is Image more important than Performance?

Does image management work? 

Well here is an apocryphal story which shows how Image Management works can end in a disaster, sometimes with hilarious results.

Once there lived a Goat – an ordinary looking goat – who lived wild and free in the mountains.
One day while grazing in the forest, the goat saw a Giraffe, and the goat said to himself, “I wish my neck was as long as the giraffe.”
Lo and Behold!
The goat’s neck suddenly became as long as the giraffe’s.
Delighted, that he could now see far and wide, the goat saw an Eagle flying high in the sky.
“I wish I had wings like that eagle,” wished the goat… and instantaneously, wings appeared on the goat’s body.
Thrilled, the goat flapped its newly acquired wings, when he suddenly he spotted a Tortoise. 
The goat admired the beautiful hard shell of the tortoise, and said to himself, “I wish I had a strong hard invincible body like the shell of the tortoise,” and instantly his wish was granted – the goat’s back turned into the shell of a tortoise.
The goat felt ecstatic and impregnable, till he suddenly saw a Cheetah speeding across the horizon running at high speed.
“I wish I had legs like the Cheetah,” the goat wished, and miracle of miracles, the goat’s legs immediately became like the Cheetah.
Now the goat was truly overjoyed, on cloud nine, till he saw the enchanting sight of a beautiful Peacock with majestic feathers dancing magnificently.
“I wish I had gorgeous feathers like the peacock,” he wished, and in a jiffy the goat’s wish was granted, and the goat now had dazzling copious plume of colourful feathers.
Adorned with the neck of the giraffe, the wings of the eagle, the shell of the tortoise, the legs of the Cheetah and the feathers of the peacock, the Goat felt jubilant, supreme, regal, on top of the world, and strutted around grandiosely in majestic pride.
A Hunter passing by suddenly saw this unique stunning creature and he marvelled for a moment as he couldn’t believe his eyes.
The hunter stared in fascination and gawked enthralled and was mesmerized at the bizarre and fascinating creature he had never seen before.
After looking spellbound at the fantastic “Goat” for some time, the hunter recovered his wits and decided to capture this exotic priceless gem.
So the hunter cast his net, caught the “Goat” and sold this amazing “never-seen-before” and “one-of-its-kind” exclusive creature at an astronomical price to the zoo.
Large crowds gathered at the zoo, and everyone gaped in awe at this astonishingly exotic creature, fascinated by the awesome sight.
The exotic “Goat” spent the rest of its life in captivity locked up in a cage, weeping and crying, and he wondered why even those other ordinary goats, his erstwhile fellow brethren, who were wandering about freely and unnoticed in the zoo gardens, did not recognize him.
MORAL OF THE STORY – Don’t try to “manage” your image – just be yourself.

Copyright © Vikram Karve 2012
Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

Did you like this article?
I am sure you will like the stories in my recently published book COCKTAIL comprising twenty seven short stories about relationships. To order the book please click the links below:

If you prefer reading ebooks on Kindle or your ebook reader, please order Cocktail E-book by clicking the link below:

About Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, Vikram Karve is a retired Naval Officer turned full time writer. Educated at IIT Delhi, ITBHU Varanasi, The Lawrence School Lovedale and Bishops School Pune, Vikram has published two books: COCKTAIL a collection of fiction short stories about relationships (2011) and APPETITE FOR A STROLL a book of Foodie Adventures (2008) and he is currently working on his novel. An avid blogger, he has written a number of fiction short stories and creative non-fiction articles in magazines and journals for many years before the advent of blogging. Vikram has taught at a University as a Professor for almost 15 years and now teaches as a visiting faculty and devotes most of his time to creative writing. Vikram lives in Pune India with his family and muse – his pet dog Sherry with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts. 

Vikram Karve Academic and Creative Writing Journal:
Professional Profile Vikram Karve:
Vikram Karve Facebook Page:
Vikram Karve Creative Writing Blog:
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


February 15, 2011



On Sunday morning Sherry had a delighful treat. Sherry visited a “beauty parlour” for the first time. Actually Sherry is so beautiful that she doesn’t need to go to a parlour, but we decided to pamper her and took Sherry for a luxurious bath and grooming at Pooja’s Pet Salon on Karve Road in Pune. Since it was her first time, and parents were not allowed inside, at first Sherry was quite apprehensive but then she seemed to be enjoying the bathing and grooming and make over and came out very smelling very nice, scrubbed and moisturized, looking clean and cuddly, smiling and wagging her tail cheerfuly and looking cute and happy with a lovely ribbon tied around her neck.

Normally we bathe and groom Sherry at home and since this was her first time in a pet salon, we wanted to take pictures of Sherry having her makeover but they did not allow it, so here is a piece by Sherry herself where she tells you some of her childhood memories, she tells you about the glorious days she enjoyed full of fun and frolic – her first year in that cozy bungalow near Aundh on the dense foliage on the other side of the Mula River and then her delighful days in the verdant hills of Girinagar in her lovely house with a huge compound lots of trees with the giant Sinhagad Fort looking down as a sentinel and the soothing waters of the Khadakvasla lake below.

My Name is Sherry

Childhood Memories of a Doberman X Girl
Sherry Karve

Hi Dear Human Friends.
Bow Wow.
Please have a look at some of my pictures.

Posing with my Dad

Sherry Relaxing

Sherry Dancing

By the way, I am a writer too.

Here is my first piece of writing which I wrote when I was only seven months old. Now I am … well never ask a girl’s age …

Sherry Karve Profile Picture
Do tell me if you like my story and pictures. If you do then I’ll post some more about my delightful life.

All Attention
Relaxing on the lush green lawn of my bungalow
My name is Sherry. Sherry Karve. I am a naughty young girl, I’m over seven months old and I live with my family in a lovely spacious bungalow surrounded by plenty of greenery.

Baby Sherry cuddled up on her brother’s lap
I wake up early in the morning, jump off my sofa, go to my father’s bed, rub my cold wet nose against his hand and give him a loving lick with my warm soft tongue.
He grunts and growls and opens his sleepy eyes, and the moment he sees me his face lights up and he lovingly caresses me and says, “Good Morning, Sherry.” The he gets up from bed and opens the main door to let me jump out into the garden. First I do my ‘little job’ at my favorite place near the mango tree. Then I generally dig with my paws in the soft morning mud and sniff around with my keen beautiful black nose to find out if there are any new morning smells, not forgetting to run and welcome the milkman the moment he comes on his cycle.
When I return I find that my father is back in his bed and my mother is up and about. She pats and cuddles me and goes about her business making tea in the kitchen while I loiter around the house.
She surreptitiously sneaks to the bedroom and slyly hands over a tidbit to my half-sleeping father under the blanket when she thinks I am not looking. I pretend not to notice, as I do not want to spoil their fun. Earlier, when I was small and impatient, I used to snuffle out the tidbit from my father’s hand, but this spoilt his fun and he became grumpy. Now that I am a mature young girl well experienced in the ways of the human world and I have realized that it is better to act dumb and let these humans think they are smarter than me. So I go outside, sit down and put on a look of anticipation towards the gate and pretend not to notice my mother hiding and peeping through the corner of the window and giggling to herself.

Hey, Look at the eerie glow in my eyes … Scary Sherry

The moment the newspaperman comes on his cycle and shouts ‘paper’, I rush to the gate and fetch the newspaper in my mouth, gripping it just right between my teeth, and hold it up to my horizontal father, who gets up, takes the paper from me and gives me the dog-biscuit he’s been hiding in his hand, as my mother, who has rushed behind me, watches me with loving pride in her eyes.
Getting the Newspaper for my Dad
My brother and my sister, who till now were fast asleep in the other room, call out my name – “Sherry! Sherry!” – and as I dart between their beds wagging my tail, they both hug and cuddle me all over saying, “Good Morning, Sherry. Sherry is a good girl!”   Everyone is cheerful and happy and my day has begun!
I love my family, even though they are humans; and I love my house, my surroundings, the place I stay, the life I live – but before I tell you all that, let me tell you where I came from.

Posing with my Dad with a bit of my camera shy Mummy in the background
My ‘birth-mother’ is a ferocious Doberman who lives in a bungalow in Kothrud in Pune and my ‘dog-father’ is unknown, though they suspect it may be the Mudhol Hound next door, yes, from the sleek way I look and my temperament  it is most likely the same Mudhol Caravan Hound who lurks in the neighbourhood.
For making my registration papers the vet wanted proof, so in the column against Breed he wrote ‘Doberman X’.
I was a sickly weakling, hardly a month old, the only girl, last of the litter of eleven, and the owners were wondering what to do with me. Nine of my handsome brothers had already been selected and taken away, and the owners wanted to keep the tenth, the most beautiful and healthy of them all. They had kept me all alone separated from my ferocious Doberman mother who was growling menacingly in a cage nearby. No one wanted me and I could hear people whispering how ugly and weak I was and I wondered what fate lay in store for me. It hurt to be unwanted and when I heard people talking about sending me away to a farmhouse, or ‘dispose’ me of, I felt terrified and shivered with fright as I wondered what was going to be my destiny.
One evening a few people came over and a gentle woman with kindness in her eyes looked at me, and on the spur of the moment lovingly picked me up, and the way she tenderly snuggled me I felt true love for the first time. This was my new mother. She took me securely and lovingly in her soft hands, got into a car and they all drove across Pune, past Aundh, across the river, till we reached a bungalow. The kind woman was wondering what her husband’s reaction would be. It was dark. I was scared and cuddled up snugly my mother’s arms to feel safer.

Baba singing lullaby to Baby Sherry
Suddenly I found a tough-looking bearded man staring at me. Shivering with fear I looked back at him in terror as he extended his hands towards me. But the moment he held me in his large cozy hands, caressed me lovingly, and put his finger tenderly in my mouth, I felt protected, loved, safe and secure.
This was my new father and he had already decided my name – Sherry – the same name of his earlier canine ‘daughter’. By the way ‘Sherry’ means ‘beloved’ – not the wine drink you are thinking about…!
“She was destined to come here,” my mother said.
“Yes,” my father said feeding me warm milk.

Baby Sherry
My Daddy and Mummy made a nice warm bed for me in a basket and put it below theirs. And as I drifted into sleep, they both fondled me with their hands. I felt so wonderful and happy for the first time in my life. I had found my true home and my family.
Sherry sleeping peacefully in her Den

I am feeling quite sleepy now so I’ll end here and have a nap in my den.

If you want to know more about me, my delightfully mischievous life, and the naughty things I do, please let me know and I’ll tell you all about it…!

Copyright © Vikram Karve 2010
Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
VIKRAM KARVE educated at IIT Delhi, ITBHU Varanasi, The Lawrence School Lovedale, and Bishop’s School Pune, is an Electronics and Communications Engineer by profession, a Human Resource Manager and Trainer by occupation, a Teacher by vocation, a Creative Writer by inclination and a Foodie by passion. An avid blogger, he has written a number of fiction short stories and creative non-fiction articles in magazines and journals for many years before the advent of blogging. He has written a foodie book Appetite For A Stroll and a book of fiction short stories COCKTAIL which is being published soon and is currently busy writing his first novel. Vikram lives in Pune with his family and pet Doberman girl Sherry, with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts.
Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:
Professional Profile of Vikram Karve:
Creative Writing by Vikram Karve:

Short Stories Book: Cocktail

Cocktail – Short Stories about Relationships :!/pages/Cocktail-by-Vikram-Karve-APK-Publishers/177873552253247

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